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Children sitting at a table while the teacher conducts a lesson.

Quality in Oklahoma Early Childhood

The Clearinghouse is committed to continually advancing the definition of quality in early child care and education. This is accomplished by accelerating innovation, integrating research-based practices and conducting practice-informed research. The knowledge gained through our efforts is shared with parents, policymakers and childcare providers all in pursuit of improving early childhood systems and maximizing public/private partnerships. 

Research Based

Early childhood programs and services which include study outcomes published in peer-reviewed journals.

Practice Based

Early childhood programs and services driven by industry wisdom, organizations, practice, or other consensus approaches that do not necessarily include systemic use of research evidence.

Innovative Ideas

Novel early childhood ideas that describe a plan or possible course of action but have not been put into practice or backed by research.

“There is nothing more important than ensuring our state’s children will have successful futures.”

— Justin Brown, Former Oklahoma Secretary for Human Services and Early Childhood Initiative

About the Clearinghouse

The Oklahoma Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Success promotes well-being for Oklahoma children and their families by building an evolving definition of quality, fast-tracking innovation, implementing research-informed practice and practice-informed research to support and improve early childhood systems and maximizing public/private partnerships. Established in 2020 by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, the Clearinghouse was transferred to Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness in 2021.

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A female teacher and young male student practice reading.

Submissions to Date

To date, 27 submissions have been approved by the Clearinghouse, with 14 programs receiving implementation grants totaling more than $8.4 million. These funded submissions have addressed needs ranging from supporting children's behavioral development to expanding early childhood mental health services and improving early literacy practices across the state. Submissions are accepted twice a year and during an invitational round.


Check out all of the funded programs by clicking on the program registry button.

Impact Report

On behalf of Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness, we are excited to present this impact report highlighting the tremendous achievements of the Oklahoma Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Success.


Our inclusive approach spans all early childhood care and education settings, including center-based care,

home-based care, family, friend, and neighbor care, as well as programs like Head Start, Pre-K, and school-

aged care.


This comprehensive focus positions the Clearinghouse as a vital resource for identifying and advancing programs through Implementation Grants or other funding sources, such as the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five. By blending and braiding funds from OKDHS and private donors, OPSR has extended the impact of Clearinghouse projects statewide, improving outcomes for even more children.

Frequently Asked Questions

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